Questions Module for 68 Classifieds by Mike-N-Tosh™

Congratulations on your purchase of the Questions Module.

Use of the Questions Module

To include the questions in your viewlisting(2).tpl, userindex.tpl files, simply put this code in your template where you want it:

{include file=$mnt_questions}
This code works just like the code in your layout template for the $body variable showing whatever template file the php script assigns to it.


There are two parts to the Administration contained within one page.


Approve Questions

This is only used if you have set to manually approve the questions. This will give you a list of questions that have been posted and need to be approved. This should be self evident to use, simply click the button to approve the question. Once approved, the question will show in the listing that it was asked. If you have set the email seller option to yes. Approving will also send an email to the seller letting them know a new question has been asked. If you don't want to approve a question, you can delete it by clicking on the delete button.

Question Approve Delete
Listing ID: xxxx Poster ID: xxxx
This is my question that needs to be approved....

Viewlisting Page

This is where the Questions will be shown wherever you put your code to display it. It will show a link to ask a new question if the viewer is logged in. If they are NOT logged in, it will tell them that they need to login to ask the seller a question.

When the link to ask a question is clicked it will open a place right there to ask the question and post it. No page refresh required and a message will show that it was posted, the form will close and the new question will now show at the top of the list to that viewer (Other viewers will not see this if it is NOT approved)

Each question will be shown and just below, will show the answer from the seller if it has been answered otherwise it will show that this question has not been answered. If the viewer is the owner/seller of the listing, this will show a link to answer the question. Answering the question works just like asking a question, where the form will open within the page and upon submittal will display a message as well as insert the answer under the appropriate question. Again, this will not require any page refreshes, therefore the seller can answer multiple unanswered questions within the listing.

User Index Page

When a user logs in, they are taken to their User index page by default. The Questions module will show them any unanswered questions on that page. The display is a little different here then in the viewlisting page, because the seller may have questions from different listings.

For ease of use and understanding, the unanswered questions are grouped by listing. It will show the title of the listing that is a clickable link to go to that listing in a new browser window/tab. Just below that, will show all of the unanswered questions for that listing. If they click on the "Answer" button for the question, the answer form will display inline and they can answer it. Upon submittal, a message will be displayed and the question will disappear from their list since it is now answered.